
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi


East Java is one of the region which have a potentialnatural disaster. There are fourpotentialdisastersoccurredinthe region, namelyfloods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. The disasterproved tohave a negative impacton people's lives. The impact ofthe disasteris due toa lack ofanticipationforcommunities to disastersthatoccurin thereenvironment. Topreventlong-term impact, environmental Education(EE) has astrategic roletoempowerstudents tohaveanticipatoryculture. This study is a preliminary research which aims to identify thecharacteristics of thedisaster which occurredinEast Java and conditions of disaster education at school. Object of the study is floods of the Konto river and landslides at Pujon district and the Kelud eruption at Pandansari Ngantang. This research uses descriptive analysis by reducing data, looking for determinant variables, and takes a conclusion. The research results show the natural disaster in research consists of flooding, landslide, and eruption. Floods and landslides occur on rainy season around December-January. Catastrophic floods caused by heavy rainfall and deforestation. While, the eruption depends on each mountain. The cause of disaster is material of eruption. Status of environment education at school is diverse, there is a region by mandatory local content-based with monolithic approach, and there is also region by elective with integrative approach. Load of the EE subjects is 2 credits, while the school is not compulsory be integrated to the main subject. In this study also be foud tha teachers do not have a EE model for anticipate natural disaster.
