
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi

Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi is cited 81 times at scopus database.

Export date: July 11th 2024


Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi published two times a year in January and June. Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi provides scientific papers on Education and Geography both in English accompanied by a certificate from a professional translator. A paper published in Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi are result of research, conceptual and literature review.

Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi published by Universitas Negeri Malang or State University of Malang. Journal publishing in print (since 1995) namely Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi. Since 2015, it is equipped with ISSN 0853-9251 (print) and 2527-628X (online).

Editors receive a manuscript writing that unpublished in any other media. Manuscript incoming evaluated by expert editors and or Reviewers. Editors can make changes to the article that was published for the uniformity of format without changing the intent and contents.

Since 2021 until 2025, this journal has been accredited Rank 2 (peringkat 2) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree 158/E/KPT/2021, 9 December 2021.

Average time from submission to first decision: 5 weeks

Average time for publishing 35 weeks

See the Aims and Scope for complete coverage of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 30, Number 1 (2025)


The articles in Volume 30 Issue 1 Year 2025 (10 original articles) were written by authors from 4 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany, and India).



An analysis of green water footprint in Java Island using the CropWat Model

Emilya Nurjani, Anggun Nur Zahwa, husnul khotimah setiacahyandari, Rofiana budi ayumi sita dewi, and Isna Pujiastuti

Vol.30, No.1



Student’s disaster preparedness of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia using Learning Simulation Virtual Reality (LSVR) Model

Andi Irwan Benardi, Sumarmi Sumarmi, Syamsul Bachri, Erni Suharini, Atta Ur Rahman, Sriyono Sriyono, Saiful Amin, and Joshua Vincent Gerar Yametis

Vol.30, No.1



Analysis of erosion rates in North Jakarta for predicting the ages of North Sunter and Pluit Reservoirs

Listyo Yudha Irawan, Ghairandi Al Abrar, Mohammad Tahir B Mapa, Adi Jafar, Shafi Noor Islam, Siti Nur Farihah, and Febrian Eka Ardiansyah

Vol.30, No.1



Project-based Flipped Classroom (PjBFC) for enhancing 4C skills in Geography learning

Ika Listiqowati, Budijanto Budijanto, Sumarmi Sumarmi, I Nyoman Ruja, Exsa Putra, and Nor Asniza Ishak

Vol.30, No.1



Analysis of Knowledge, Utilization, and Technology Adoption of Digital Learning Resource by Geography Teachers in Sragen and Karanganyar, Indonesia

Wahyu Widiyatmoko, Ratih Puspita Dewi, Siti Azizah Susilawati, Muhammad Musiyam, Devi Nurhalimah, Muslihah Juwita Hapsari, and Dias Aziz Pramudita

Vol.30, No.1



The role of visual analytics in remote sensing spatial data interpretation

Iswari Nur Hidayati, R Suharyadi, Andhika Wisnu Pratama, and Herdiansyah Herdiansyah

Vol.30, No.1



Comparison of climate change awareness among coastal communities in northern and southern East Java, Indonesia

Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Ketut Prasetyo, Warsono Warsono, Sarmini Sarmini, Muhammad Turhan Yani, Agus Suprijono, Sugeng Hariyanto, Nasution Nasution, and Mohd Hairy Ibrahim

Vol.30, No.1



Students’ geo-capabilities skills improvement: The role of differentiated spatial project learning development using QGIS

Budi Handoyo, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Ramadhani Lausi Mkumbachi, and Aulia Nindy Fadila Gastama

Vol.30, No.1
