
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi


This study aims to obtain an overview of hydrogeomorphological conditions in Zero Order Basin in Brau Village. Quantitative approaches are used by using primary and secondary data sources. Primary data includes: geomorphological, geological, and hydrological conditions. Secondary data used is Topographic Map data. The result of the study was in the form of a hydrogeomorphology of Zero Order Basin in Brau Village. Steep topography causes landslides, and water flows down gravitatively along the slope. The process of sedimentation occurs in a narrow depression zone located around seepage and springs. Tuffs and breccias (with cracks) cause high both porosity and permeability. Surface flow is not visible, but the baseflow occurs over the year. The baseflow that comes out as seepage and spring, is located in the bending area of the slope which has a narrow depression zone. The springs belt is formed at an elevation of 1,120-1,140 masl. The main function of Zero Order Basin in Brau Village is to accumulate water to form a complex river network system.
