
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi: Kajian, Teori, dan Praktek dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi


This research aimed to enhance the ability of disaster information literacy for the community of Langsa. The method used in this research was an experiment. The method population of the research was the citizens of Gampong Java and Meurandeh totaled 11904 inhabitants. Research samples obtained by purposive sampling technique. Total sample of 15% of the population was 1786 people. The data were analyzed using a statistical test based on the average (mean) of each variable.The result shows that the process of improving information literacy of disaster brings an increase in familiarity with the community's preparedness against disasters and floods. It proved to be on improving the ability of the population in identifying and evaluating the factors that cause the occurrence of floods. The community began to be able to integrate the information flood-related information. Apart from that, the community has also wished to plan a village emergency response scheme for floods.
