

This research and development aims to develop a learning guidance and counseling program based on social and emotional learning (SEL) in senior high school, and find out the feasibility of the learning guidance and counseling program based on SEL. Approach used in this research was research and development. The development procedure refers to the procedure by Borg & Gall. The two subject groups of program validation in this research and development were two expert validators who were competent in the learning guidance and counseling program and the school counselor group. Data collection instruments used were expert validation questionnaire; practitioner validation questionnaire; and focus group discussion (FGD) guidelines. The data analysis technique used was a quantitative descriptive analysis technique using categorization. The expert validation test obtained a score of 91.50 (good category) and the practitioner test obtained a score of 83.05 (good category). Based on the results of expert validation and practitioner test, learning guidance and counseling program based on SEL is feasible to be implemented.



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