Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya is published by the Universitas Negeri Malang. It was first published in 1969 under the name "Warta Scientia". A double-blind refereed OPEN ACCESS journal is published twice a year, in February and August, and covers topics related to language, literature, arts, and their relation to teaching. Articles should be written in English and can include empirical and theoretical studies in original research, case studies, research or book reviews, and innovation in teaching and learning with various perspectives.
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya is indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, EBSCO Open Science Directory, SINTA, Crossref with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Prefix: 10.17977. The manuscript submitted has not been published elsewhere, both printed or electronically. The author shall refer to the author's guidelines before submitting the manuscript. The manuscript submitted will then be evaluated and edited in terms of format, terms used, and other applied styles.
Average time from submission to first decision: 4 weeks
Average time for publishing 22 weeks
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Based on the Official Letter from the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology No 158/E/KPT/2021, dated December 27, 2021, Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Pengajarannya is granted RANK 2 JOURNAL SCIENTIFIC ACCREDITATION PERIOD I YEAR 2021. This rating status is valid for 5 (five) years up to Vol 53, No 1, 2025.
Current Issue: Volume 52, Number 2 (2024)
Representation of the ecological crisis impact in Sumur, a short story written by Eka Kurniawan
Titi Setiyoningsih, Sarwiji Suwandi, Nugraheni E. Wardani, Chafit Ulya, Eko Setyawan, and Sugit Zulianto
Vol.52, No.2
Muhammad Lukman Arifianto, Zulfa Purnamawati, Iqbal Fathi Izzudin, and Zulfa Azalia Mujahidah
Vol.52, No.2
Circe’s struggle to fight against beauty standards in Madeline Miller’s Circe: A new criticism study
Mutiara Anugerah Pekerti, Usma Nur Dian Rosyidah, and Rizal Oktovianto Datau
Vol.52, No.2
The preferences of MOOD realized in Folklore album by Taylor Swift
Adistia Mursyidatul Kamaliah, Masrokhin Masrokhin, M. Misbahul Amri, and Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi
Vol.52, No.2
Providing independent-learning space to promote English learners’ self-regulation
Anastasia Nelladia Cendra and Alberik Ryan Tendy Wijaya
Vol.52, No.2